Did you know that there are 380,000 churches in the U.S.?
Every pastor knows that keeping a church clean requires some hard work. Many churches have a yearly budget for cleaning, remodeling, and fixing up the church.
Part of this budget goes toward keeping a church cleaning schedule. The problem is many church leaders and staff haven’t taken the time to write down a church cleaning checklist.
This article will help you by listing areas that need cleaning regularly. With this helpful guide, you’ll discover how often you should clean the church.
Part of the Regular Maintenance Checklist
It is essential to clean the church to maintain visitors’ safe and healthy environment. Deep church cleaning should be completed as part of regular church cleaning tasks and should occur at least annually.
A checklist provides an effective way to ensure all areas are covered. The deep cleaning checklist should detail areas that need cleaning. This includes chairs, carpets, surfaces, walls, and windows.
Additional items should include dusting items such as light fixtures, fans, furniture, and cabinetry. Additionally, it should note when vacuuming carpets, mopping, and other sanitary procedures need to be completed.
Following the deep church cleaning checklist will keep a church clean and sanitary and save money on cleaning costs.
Cleaning to Improve Sanitation
It is essential to follow a regular cleaning schedule to understand sanitation risks. It helps to keep the church clean and safe. At a minimum, the church should be disinfected weekly, with extended cleaning sessions scheduled as needed.
Air and water filters should be changed regularly to ensure maximum safety and sanitation. Cleaning and disinfecting supplies, such as paper towels and gloves, should be on hand during a spill or emergency. Toilet and restroom maintenance should occur at least once per week, while restroom garbage should be emptied more frequently if needed.
By following a regular cleaning schedule and understanding sanitation risks, everyone can enjoy a safe and sanitary church experience.
Choosing Appropriate Cleaning Equipment
Once the church cleaning schedule is determined, choosing the right cleaning products is essential to get the job done. Decide what needs to be done. This includes dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, polishing pews, etc.
Choose environment-friendly, non-abrasive products that won’t damage the floors or pews. Ensure that all cleaners are safe to use around children and pets. Be sure that they do not contain any harsh chemical compounds.
If scented cleaning products are to be used, they should be light and not overpowering. Some churches prefer to use natural cleaning products instead of harsher chemical products. To ensure the congregation’s health, cleaning the church often and using the right products for each job is critical.
Best Ways to Clean the Church
The church should be cleaned regularly to keep everybody safe and the environment pleasant. Cleaning can be done once a week, bi-weekly, or monthly depending on the church size and associated activity. Everyone should be aware and contribute to clean the church.
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