
5 Common Dog Behavioural Issues 

Dogs are beloved pets in many households around the world. However, even the most well-behaved dogs can develop problematic behaviours that their owners find challenging. Understanding some of the most common behavioural issues in dogs can help owners address these problems compassionately.

Here are 5 of the most common behaviour problems faced by dog owners.

1. Separation Anxiety

Dogs are highly social animals that can form strong bonds with their human families. Some dogs have separation anxiety and exhibit distress behaviours like whining, barking or destroying furniture when left alone. This anxiety stems from fear of abandonment. Signs include following owners around constantly and getting overly excited upon their return. 

To ease separation anxiety, give the dog stimulating toys when leaving, keep departures/arrivals low-key, and use calming treats/pheromones. Build up alone time gradually so the dog gains confidence. 

Consulting a vet or animal behaviourist may also help.

2. Excessive Barking

While some woofing is normal, excessive barking can irritate neighbours. Barking sometimes stems from boredom or loneliness. Ensure the dog gets adequate physical and mental exercise. Obedience training creates stimulation too. Avoid inadvertently rewarding barking by giving attention or rewarding quiet behaviour instead. 

Anti-barking collars can deter barking through vibrations or sprays but check they don’t distress the dog. If barking is attention-seeking, teaching a “quiet” command can help.

3. Aggression

Some dogs may show aggressive tendencies like growling or biting towards strangers, children or other pets. This stems from fear and dominance behaviour. Never punish aggression as this can worsen it. Expert help from an animal behaviourist is needed to address the root insecurity driving aggression

For mild aggression, use treats and praise to reward calm behaviour around triggers. Always supervise interactions. Muzzling in public can prevent bites. In extreme cases, medication may be prescribed to reduce anxiety.

4. Destructive Chewing

Chewing is normal exploration in dogs but destructive chewing of furniture, shoes or carpets is problematic. It often stems from stress, boredom or pent-up energy. Make sure the dog has appropriate chew toys and rotate them to keep things interesting. Give ample exercise and playtime. 

Use pet gates to restrict access to tempting areas. Bitter sprays on forbidden objects can deter chewing. Rewarding with treats when the dog chews their own toys instead can reinforce good behaviour.

5. House Soiling

Some dogs may urinate or defecate inappropriately inside the home. Medical issues like urinary tract infections must be ruled out first by a vet. Usually, house soiling relates to inadequate housetraining, anxiety, marking territory or incomplete bladder emptying when outside. 

Feed consistent mealtimes and walk the dog on a predictable schedule to promote timely elimination outside. Use crate training and treats to reinforce outdoors toilet habits. Thoroughly clean soiled areas with enzymatic cleaners to remove odours. Reduce stress by addressing triggers and ensure the dog feels safe.

Consider enrolling your puppy in a dog training school. Dog training East London can help teach your pub basic commands like sit and stay, which helps eliminate other problematic behaviours. 

With time, patience and positive reinforcement, many common issues dogs face can be overcome. Keeping dogs mentally and physically stimulated and building a strong bond fosters well-adjusted canine companions.