
7 Tips for Green Apartment Living

Browse YouTube or Instagram for long enough and you’re sure to come across tips and tricks on sustainable living. As sustainability becomes more and more popular, many people are looking for ways to make their daily habits more eco-friendly.

Would you like to have a greener lifestyle? Are you looking for easy ways to make your life and living space more eco-friendly?

If you want to know how to make your apartment more green, keep reading below. We’ve compiled seven easy tips that will help you achieve a green apartment!

1. Recycle

In order to reduce the amount of waste your produce, you should recycle as much as possible. Look up local recycling regulations to learn exactly what you can recycle. Knowing more about the recycling system in your city will allow you to take full advantage of it.

2. Reuse Items

Reduce, reuse, recycle! Reusing items that you already have is the best way to reduce waste in your home. Check out upcycling crafts if you’re wondering what to do with leftover items or if you want to learn to DIY home essentials.

3. Find Second-Hand Decor

If you’re not very crafty, you can still make an eco friendly apartment by buying used and vintage items. When you’re looking for new furniture, decor, or utensils, check out your local thrift shop first. You can also search for pre-owned items online.

4. Use Eco-Friendly Cleaning Supplies

Many cleaning supplies contain toxic chemicals, but that doesn’t mean that you have to give up cleanliness to have a sustainable apartment. Instead, focus on buying sustainable cleaning products from brands that use non-toxic formulas. You can also make your own cleaning solutions with materials like vinegar and baking soda.

5. Watch Your Energy Use

Keep an eye on your thermostat and your air conditioning, and make sure to turn off your lights when you leave a room. If you own your apartment or can organize with other tenants in your building, you might be able to install solar panels, which will save you money and make green apartment living easy. To learn more about installing solar panels, check out https://blueravensolar.com/oregon/salem/.

6. Plant a Kitchen Garden

Even if you have a limited amount of space in your home, you can install a simple kitchen garden with herbs and easy-to-grow vegetables like tomatoes. Vertical gardens, which can be mounted on walls, are a great option for apartment kitchens. These small gardens let you introduce greenery into your home and also reduce your reliance on grocery stores.

7. Consider Minimalism

Reducing the number of things that you use is a great way to make your lifestyle better for the planet. Re-evaluate your belongings and donate things that you don’t need. When you’re happier with less, you won’t consume as many wasteful products!

Transform Your Green Apartment Today

With the seven tips above, you’ll be enjoying a transformed green apartment in no time. Green living is easy when you incorporate sustainable living habits into your home!

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