
Candida Explained: Prevention Tactics and Recognising the Warning Signs for Healthier Living

Candida is a type of yeast that naturally exists in small amounts in the body. When candida begins to overgrow, it can lead to a condition known as candidiasis or candida overgrowth. This causes unpleasant symptoms and can negatively impact one’s health. Being aware of candida overgrowth, knowing how to prevent it, and recognising the warning signs are crucial for maintaining well-being. This article will provide an overview of candida, explain key prevention strategies, and outline the main symptoms to look out for.

Preventing Candida Overgrowth

There are several ways to help prevent the unchecked growth of candida in the body. Here are some of the top tactics:

  • Limit sugar intake – Sugars feed candida, allowing it to multiply. Reducing added and refined sugars in the diet can help stop candida overgrowth.
  • Consume probiotics – Probiotic foods like yoghurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi contain good bacteria that keep candida levels under control. Taking a probiotic supplement can also help.
  • Moderate carbohydrates – While carbs are important, too many refined carbs can trigger candida growth. Focus on nutrient-dense whole grain options.
  • Manage stress – High stress weakens the immune system and allows candida to thrive. Using stress management techniques helps keep candida at bay.
  • Avoid antibiotics when possible – Antibiotics kill both good and bad bacteria, disturbing the body’s microbial balance. This allows candida to spread.

Recognising the Warning Signs

In order to address candida overgrowth, it’s important to recognise candida symptoms. Here are some of the main indicators to look out for:

  • Fatigue and brain fog – Candida can cause lethargy, decreased concentration, and mental confusion
  • Skin issues – Skin rashes, eczema, hives, and acne are common symptoms of a candida infection.
  • Digestive problems – Bloating, gas, diarrhoea, and constipation can indicate candida overgrowth.
  • Recurring infections – Oral thrush, urinary tract infections, and vaginal infections may persist or frequently return.
  • Sinus congestion – Chronic sinusitis or post-nasal drip can be a sign of candida.
  • Autoimmune disease – Candida overgrowth is linked to autoimmune conditions like Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.
  • Sugar cravings – A strong desire for sugar and refined carbohydrates may stem from candida overgrowth.
  • Mood disorders – Anxiety, irritability, and depression are associated with candida.

If several of these symptoms are present, it may be wise to have a candida test done. This can identify an overgrowth and determine the right treatment.


Diagnosing Candida Overgrowth

If you suspect you have candida overgrowth based on your symptoms, there are a few ways to get properly diagnosed:

  • Doctors can order blood tests that check for candida antibodies in the bloodstream. This determines if there is an active systemic infection.
  • Stool testing can detect higher-than-normal levels of candida in the gut. This analyses your gut microbiome.
  • Vaginal, urine or throat cultures can be done to diagnose candida overgrowth in those specific areas.
  • An organic acids urine test can identify candida metabolic byproducts in the body.
  • Seeking lab testing to confirm candida overgrowth can ensure proper treatment. Work with your doctor or functional medicine practitioner to determine which tests are best for your situation.

Left unchecked, candida overgrowth can become a vicious cycle that worsens symptoms and health over time. By limiting sugar, consuming probiotics, managing stress, and avoiding antibiotics when possible, the growth of candida can be prevented.