Dine & Cusine


Exemplary and simple, the gin and tonic (or G&T) are light and reviving. It’s a straightforward blended beverage that requires only the two named fixings and a trace of lime, which are all characteristic flavor mates. This is an extraordinary decision for party time, supper, or whenever you need a fortifying drink. 

The best gin and tonic is made with a quality gin, offered by SPIRIT OF THE MAKER particularly those with a slight citrus flavor and an extraordinary mix of botanicals. One thing to remember is that your gin and tonic are just on par with both the gin and the tonic. Investigate a portion of the extraordinary carbonated waters that have jumped up because of this present savor’s resurgence prevalence. Q Drinks and Fever-Tree are two soft drink brands worth looking at because they were planned explicitly for blended beverages like this.

The gin and tonic can be as light or as solid as you need to make it. The strength is constrained by the measure of tonic one decides to pour. 5-ounce pour of tonic and around 80 gin, the beverage says something around 10% ABV (20 proof). It’s an exceptionally easy-going beverage, which is the reason it’s a top choice to serve at supper.

It is by and large innocuous for the vast majority to drink carbonated water every day with some restraint. Quinine is the fixing in carbonated water that is answerable for its semi-harsh and dry taste that is relatively good for people with taste.

Numerous kinds of pop are amusing to make at home. In any case, carbonated water ought to consistently be bought from a respectable producer. Because of the genuine symptoms of cinchonism, it tends to be unsafe to make your tonic syrup from cinchona bark since it is difficult to control the measure of quinine.


4 to 6 ounces carbonated water, to taste 

2 ounces gin 

Sliced Lime to garnish

Accumulate the fixings: 

In a highball glass loaded up with ice blocks, pour the gin, at that point top with tonic. 

Tenderly mix to consolidate, yet less so you lose the carbonation effect. 

Topping with a lime wedge. Serve and appreciate.

Strawberry and Black Pepper Gin and Tonic 

3 strawberries (new is ideal; thawed out ones work as well!) 

Newly ground dark pepper 

45 ml of Gin Fusion with pink grapefruit and pomegranate by ‘SPIRIT OF MAKER’

Carbonated water (You could likewise utilize elderflower tonic, for a better beverage) 

Wash and frame the strawberries. Cut fifty-fifty, or into quarters if they’re large. Jumble the strawberries with a decent bit of newly ground dark pepper in a shaker, at that point fill an ice-filled glass. Mix in the gin and top with tonic. Trimming with a strawberry and serve!

Cucumber, Lime, Elderflower and Basil Gin and carbonated water


50ml gin 

125 ml carbonated water 

15ml elderflower alcohol 

A large portion of a lime 

A large portion of a cucumber 

2-3 new basil leaves 

Cut dainty strips of cucumber and spot them in a highball glass. Tenderly add a small bunch of ice blocks. Crush a large portion of lime juice into a mixed drink shaker (or separate compartment) and add your gin, a sprinkle of elderflower alcohol, a couple of leaves of basil, and a couple of cucumber pieces. Jumble the fixings well, and afterward add ice. Shake well, at that point strain into your glass. Top with tonic and top with a couple of more basil leaves.