Every year in December, Tansen Samaroh or Tansen Sangeet Samaroh is celebrated at the Behat village of Gwalior district, Madhya Pradesh, . It’s a four-day music festival. Tansen, the Great Indian Musical Maestro, is remembered here by artists and music lovers from throughout the world. Near Tansen’s tomb, the event is hosted by the Ustad Alauddin Khan Kala Evam Sangeet Academy, which is part of the government’s cultural department. Vocal and instrumental performances will be provided by artists from all throughout India.

In addition to being an Indian classical music composer and performer, Mian Tansen (also known as Ramtanu Misra or Tansen) was also an instrumentalist who helped popularise and enhance the plucked rabab (of Central Asian origin). At the court of Mughal Emperor Jalal ud-din Akbar, he was one of the Navaratnas (nine jewels). Akbar bestowed to him the honorary title of “Mian,” which translates as “learned man”

An Indian classical musician Pandit Satish Vyas serenades santoor with the passion of a prima donna has been awarded the Tansen Samman award by the government of Madhya Pradesh.

Due to a coronavirus epidemic for the first time, the event will only be open to those who have tickets. Their will be number of seats for the people booked the passes as the MP guidelines. A live stream of the show will be available on Madhya Pradesh Culture Department channels for those who are unable to attend this event.

This is the 97th annual festival. As time has passed, the significance of this annual historic event has only grown. Famous artists from all around the country come to perform and show off their skills, captivating the crowd in the process as they go through their motions. The city of Gwalior, where the concert will take place, has preserved Indian culture and music through the ages. In fact, Tansen’s music is the inspiration for the Gwalior Gharana’s distinctive style of music.

If you are planning to attend Tansen Samaroh in Gwalior, then add these places to your itinary like Gwalior Fort and Sas- Bahu Temple, Mitawli-Padawli-Bateshwar-Chambal in your musical trip.

Swikriti Dandotia