As we all know that elections are started now, there are millions of voters, poll workers, machines and polling booth. Voters living in local areas which are easily accessible can easily cast their vote on Election Day, but what about the voters who are living in remote areas are they able to vote?
Well Yes!! Election commission of India has decided that no one will be left for voting whether they live in remote areas, the poll workers will reach to every voter living in the forest to the Himalayas.

The election commission of India has made a rule that no voter has to travel more than 2km or a mile from their home to cast their vote. The polling booth should be within their radar or either poll workers should visit the remote areas whether there are many or even if only one voter is registered.
Here are some examples which show the journey of poll workers who risk their lives to take a single vote from voters living in a remote location which are not easily accessible.
Polling booth at GIR NATIONAL FOREST
The poll workers set up a polling booth for only one person “Hindu Priest” who lives among the lion in GIR Forest.
Malogam is a remote village in Forest Mountains of Arunachal Pradesh, the Poll officials hike for whole day to cast the vote for one single woman who is registered for voting.
Polling station in Ladakh, JAMMU &KASHMIR
Poll officials set up the polling station in the Ladakh region in Jammu & Kashmir at an altitude of 4,327 meters approx. 14,196 feet to cast the vote for the registered 12 voters. Not only one station they set another polling station at Anlay Pho which is located at an altitude of 4,500 meters 15,000 feet approx. above the sea level. It is very difficult for the polling officials to trek the Himalayas with oxygen cylinder, and EVM machines.
Polling station at Pilopatia, Andaman &Nicobar Island
From the extreme regions of the mountains of Leh Ladakh to the low lying land of Andaman & Nicobar Islands where the voting machines were transferred with various seafaring activities. The poll works set up the polling station at Pilopatia which is 9.2 meters approx. 32feet above sea level for only 9 voters. They bravely set up the polling booth as the water is infested with crocodiles and sea snakes.

Some of the polling booth which are set in the remote areas , the poll works do not have mobile connectivity, they can only contact through wireless sets and satellites phones to send the report to the election commission.
Hats’ off to the poll workers of election commission of India who are working rigorously to reach out to every possible location for conducting voting in any climatic and geographical conditions.
Swikriti Dandotia