
The Relocation Checklist: Key Tasks When Moving Overseas

If you’re considering a move overseas, be prepared for excitement as well as challenges. With so much to organise and plan, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Creating a relocation checklist can help you stay on top of key tasks and ensure your move goes smoothly. Whether you’re moving for a new job, retirement, or just seeking adventure, advance preparation is vital. Follow this relocation checklist to make your overseas move stress-free. 


Research and Planning

Research should begin months in advance. Choose your destination country carefully as laws, customs and climate vary greatly around the world. Consider things like cost of living, healthcare, taxes, visa requirements, and language barriers. Understanding the country will help you plan.

If you are moving for work, negotiate relocation packages like temporary housing, shipment of goods, and cultural training. Determine a move date that considers school terms if you have children. Develop a budget including costs for the move, living expenses, and unexpected bills. Outline priorities for housing, schools, and lifestyle. Planning sets clear expectations.

Administrative Tasks

Administrative work is crucial when moving overseas. Apply for visas well in advance as processing can take months. If you will be seeking citizenship, start this lengthy process as soon as possible. Update or apply for passports for your family.

Notify your bank and transfer finances overseas. Cancel newspaper and magazine subscriptions. Arrange health insurance and transfer medical records. Ship important documents like birth certificates and medical records in your hand luggage. Transfer school records and notify examination boards. Cancel utility accounts and memberships. Doing this paperwork early avoids last-minute stress.


Housing and Shipping

Finding housing in a new country can be difficult, especially if you don’t speak the language. Consider short-term corporate housing on arrival to give you time to search. If you research reputable relocation management companies, they can arrange viewings on your behalf. Working with relocation agencies can take a lot of stress off your plate. Read here to learn more: Relocate Sure UK – Your Guide to a Stress-Free Move.

If you will be shipping goods, obtain quotes from international removal firms. Decide how best to ship – by air, sea or road. Sort possessions into “keep”, “store” and “dispose” piles and hold a sale for unwanted items. Be mindful of import taxes, customs regulations and quarantine restrictions on pets – don’t just load a container and hope for the best!

Travel Arrangements

Book flights, airport transfers and accommodation well in advance. For pets, arrange transportation, kennels or a foster home during the move. Ensure passports, visas and other documents are easily accessible during travel. Pack a small bag with essentials in case of lost luggage.

Moving with children can be disruptive – prepare them by learning about your new home. Keep infants and toddlers near you on the plane. For older children, arrange activities and pack familiar toys to ease anxiety. Use the flight to adjust to time differences.

Settling In

The hard work starts once you arrive. Arrange any remaining shipments and obtain a residence permit if required. Open a local bank account right away. Have your mail forwarded or use a scanning service. Get any required licenses converted promptly. Exchange your driver’s license, register vehicles and arrange insurance.

Getting settled also means building a new daily routine – enrolling children in school, finding local services like doctors and dry cleaners, and meeting neighbours. Maintain connections at home via internet and phone calls. Be patient with culture shock – joining local clubs or charities can ease the transition. With thorough preparation and an embrace of adventure, moving overseas can be life-enhancing.