World No Tobacco Day is one of the eight global events of the World Health Organization (WHO) observed annually around the world on every 31st of May. This day is celebrated to create awareness among the public about the risks of tobacco use, the tobacco industry’ business practices, what the WHO is doing to counter the tobacco epidemic, and what people around the world can do to affirm their right to health and safe living and to protect future generations.


This year the theme of World No Tobacco Day 2021 is- “Commit to quit”

When World No Tobacco Day was started?

Members of WHO started WNTD in 1987 to spread the awareness about negative health effects of tobacco use. Intially resolution was passed to create “World No Smoking Day” on 7 April but later it was decided to start “World no tobacco day” on 31 May by linking all tobacco related theme together. WNTD is among the eight global public health campaign initiated by WHO ,other seven campaign are World Health Day, World Blood Donor Day, World Immunization Week, World Tuberculosis Day, World Malaria Day, World Hepatitis Day, and World AIDS Day .

Every year on this day ,WHO present awards to organization or individuals across six world regions (Africa, Americas, Eastern Mediterranean, Europe, South-East Asia, and Western Pacific) for their remarkable contribution in reducing tobacco use.

Note: Feature image used in this article is taken from google source.

Swikriti Dandotia

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