Around twelve percent of energy consumed in the United States in 2020 came from renewable sources. This is part of what’s known as clean energy.

But, what is clean energy? And why is it important?

If you’re interested in learning more about clean energy, its benefits, and why we need to switch to this renewable resource, then you’re in the right place. Read on to learn everything you need to know about clean energy.

What Is Clean Energy?

Clean energy is basically any form of energy that doesn’t lead to greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon-free energy sources or renewable resources can all be types of clean energy, depending on how they are used.

Clean energy comes from sources that replenish themselves, unlike fossil fuels that are non-renewable and cause more damage to our planet. Clean energy also refers to energy saved by using energy-efficient devices and practices, which reduces the amount of excess energy wasted.

Clean Energy Examples

There are lots of different examples of clean energy you may want to incorporate into your home or business. Solar-powered energy is one big option. You can check out to find out your options for converting to solar power.

Wind energy can also be a form of clean energy. This energy is usually generated by wind turbines. Hydropower is a common form of clean energy collected from water using dams and other structures.

Nuclear energy is sometimes seen as a form of clean energy, but it has significant risks when compared to other clean energy types. That’s because of the radiation that can be generated by these plants if they’re not properly maintained. Other types of clean energy include geothermal energy, biomass energy, hydrogen energy, and energy generated by tides.

Benefits of Clean Energy

But, why would you want to convert to clean energy? There are lots of benefits. The most obvious is that converting to clean energy helps us in the fight against climate change, which will keep our planet safer and more inhabitable for longer.

Clean energy also helps to boost our economy and opens up more jobs in lots of different fields. And, diversifying our energy sources means that we’re less dependent on one specific type. This is particularly helpful when there are shortages elsewhere in the world, which can limit the amount of energy that can be imported and cause significant issues.

Clean energy is also beneficial for public health. Collecting non-renewable energy, such as coal, can release pollutants into our environment. That means that these sources aren’t just negatively impacting the health of people who work at plants, but anyone who lives in the area.

Switching to clean energy reduces the strain on the healthcare system. And, clean energy causes fewer people to suffer from health problems, such as cancer, that can be caused by pollutants generated by non-renewable energy sources.

What Is Clean Energy? Now You Know

Now that you understand what is clean energy, you’ll be able to incorporate this clean energy guide into your lifestyle.

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