World Milk Day is a global event organized to celebrate the value of milk as a world-wide food, established by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. Since 2001, this day is observed annually on every 1st of June. The day aims to deliver an opportunity to concentrate on activities related to the dairy sector. In 2001, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) selected the 1st of June as a World Milk Day which celebrates the important contribution of milk industries in sustainability, economic development, livelihoods, and food.
Why we celebrate World Milk Day?
World Milk Day provides an opportunity to focus on milk activities and also promoting milk and dairy-related activities. It also and raise awareness on the role of milk in healthy diets, food production, and support for livelihoods and communities. Many countries choose to do milk activities on the same day which gives particular national celebrations additional importance and shows that milk is a global food. This day is supported by FAO data which shows that the dairy sector supports billions of people livelihoods and dairy is consumed by over six million people worldwide.
Why 1st June was chosen for World Milk Day?
The date 1st of June was chosen as many countries were already celebrating national milk day around this date. Originally proposed in late May, however, some countries, such as China, felt that so many celebrations had already taken place during the month. While most countries celebrate on 1 June, some decide to celebrate it a week before or after that date.
World Milk Day 2023 Theme
This year the theme of World Milk Day 2023 will highlight the ways that dairy is improving the environment while also providing nutritious foods and jobs. Together, we will create an innovative story that incorporates the industry’s effects on the environment, nutrition, and society.
An individual can organize a campaign (e.g. a TikTok challenge, a Twitter chat, a photo contest, milk videos, a recipe contest, boomerang videos, Snapchat videos, live Facebook / Instagrams, a song competition or influencer campaign) or simply join the social media conversation via # WorldMilkDay & EnjoyDairy.
Swikriti Dandotia