World teacher’s day or International Teacher’s Day is celebrated every year on 5th of October which recalls the adoption of ILO/UNESCO concerning the teachers status. Teachers day is celebrated to set a benchmark regarding the rights and responsibilities of teachers and standards and to prepare them for further education, employment, recruitment about teaching and learning conditions.
The aim of celebrating World Teacher’s Day is to focus on “assessing, appreciating and improving educators around the world”. It also provides an opportunity to show light on the issues related to the teachers and teaching.
Theme of World Teachers Day 2023 Theme
This year the theme of World Teachers Day 2023 is “The teachers we need for the education we want: The global imperative to reverse the teacher shortage”.
Under the banner of “The teachers we require for the education we aspire to: A worldwide urgency to counter the teacher shortage,” the 2023 festivities will prioritize halting the decline in teacher numbers and initiating their augmentation as a foremost global concern. Through a multitude of engagements, the event will champion the cause of a respected and esteemed teaching vocation. It will delve into the challenges educators face, exhibit inspiring approaches to attract, retain, and inspire teachers, and explore how educational systems, societies, communities, and families can acknowledge, value, and proactively support these vital educators.
The UNESCO-Hamdan Prize for Teacher Development will be presented during the three-day celebration at UNESCO Headquarters, along with a number of events demonstrating how ensuring teachers’ fair working conditions, access to professional development opportunities, and a recognized professional standing is a first step toward more resilient educational systems. In order to maximize the impact of these major change-agents, UNESCO is making efforts to do so.
The role of a teacher offers a distinctive chance to create enduring, transformative effects on individuals’ lives, aiding in the development of sustainable futures and personal fulfillment. Nonetheless, the world grapples with an unparalleled shortage of educators, worsened by deteriorating working conditions and the diminished stature of the profession.
History of World Teachers Day
The first teachers day was held on 5th October 1966, the special Intergovernmental Conference was been convened in Paris, France regarding the status of Teachers to analyze the issues affecting the teachers and their profession. After a general agreement, the investigation was closed. On 12th October 1997, in UNESCO 29th General Conference session adopted after that, they published a document “Recommendation concerning the Status of Teacher’s” and signed by the members of UNESCO and International Labour Organisation (ILO).
World Teachers Day is the occasion which shows the progress and focuses on the remaining challenges for the promotion of teacher’s profession. World Teacher’s Day is merged in the partnership with UNICEF, UNDP, International Labour Organisation, and Education International.
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After the adoption of Sustainable Development Goal 4 on education the dedicated target of (SDC 4.c) recognizing teachers as the key to the achievement of the education 2030 agenda.
More than 100 countries celebrate World Teacher’s Day and each of the countries has their own kind of celebration like India celebrate Teacher’s Day on 5th of September.
Also, Read blog on United Nations Day 2019
UNESCO Hamdan Prize for the Teachers
UNESCO created Hamdan bin Rashid Al- Maktoum Prize in 2008 for the best outstanding practice and performance in the effectiveness of teachers. UNESCO priority is to support the learning quality and improvement in teaching and achieving all goals of education.

The Hamdan teachers prize awarded every two years which is supported by Sheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al-Maktoum of the United Arab Emirates. The amount prize is $300,000 which will be equally divided between the three winners. The winners are chosen on the basis of performance and effectiveness of teachers. Winners for Hamdan Prize are selected by the International Jury made up of five distinguished professionals. The Award will be given on 5th October that is on World Teacher’s Day 2020.
The last date of submitting applications for the 2019-2020 prize is 31st October 2019. Applications can be sent on email id at [email protected] with the subject “UNESCO Hamdan Prize application”.
Swikriti Dandotia