Every year 15th of July is marked as a Word Youth Skills Day with an aim to recognize the strategic importance of giving young people skills in jobs, decent work, and entrepreneurship and to underline the key role of skilled youth in addressing global challenges of the present and future. It is a great way to create knowledge and begin conversations about the value of technological, educational, and growth training. The awareness of this day can be used to highlight the importance of skills for economic growth and personal success.
Nearly 3 times young people are more likely to unemployed than adults and which are constantly exposed to lower quality jobs, greater inequalities in the labor market and longer and more insecure transitions from school to work and that’s why training and preparation are important determinants of labor market performance. On 18th December 2014, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution to establish World Youth Skill Day.
Theme of World Youth Skills Day 2023
This year the theme of World Youth Skills Day 2023 is- Skilling teachers, trainers and youth for a transformative future
World Youth Skills Day 2023 will be held under the theme of “Skilling teachers, trainers, and youth for a transformative future.” It draws attention to the crucial role that educators such as teachers, trainers, and others play in preparing young people for the workforce and for active participation in their communities and societies.
As per the ongoing recession, the young people about15-24 years of age were 3 times more likely to be unemployed than adults and also had to face a lengthy transition from school to employment. Across post-COVID-19 communities’ young people will need the expertise to address changing problems and respond to future conditions, when they are expected to contribute to rehabilitation efforts.
Every young person one in 5 is NEET which is Not in Employment, Education, or Training. Accordingly, there are four out of three in NEET are women. Between 1997 to 2017 the population of youth grew up to 139 million and the younger workforce fell by 58.7 million.
Why is World Youth Skills Day important?
One of the most important problems the youth is facing in today’s world is the raising of youth unemployment in developed and developing countries. According to the latest Global Employment Trends for Youth 2020: Technology and the future of jobs reveal that since 2017 the number of young non-employed, trained, or training (NEET) has been increased.
This year the World Youth Skills Day shares a message about the development of trained youth. A variety of simulated activities will take place with the theme of “Skills for a Resilient Youth”.
Swikriti Dandotia
Good job dear…