Every year on September 21, the International Day of Peace (‘Peace Day’) is celebrated all over the world. Established in 1981 through a unanimous resolution of the United Nations, Peace Day is for all humanity a global shared date for promoting peace and contributing to building a culture of peace. In 2001, the United Nations General Assembly decided unanimously to declare the Day as a moment of nonviolence and cease-fire.
The United Nations General Assembly has designated this day as a day dedicated to supporting peace ideals by observing a 24-hour time of nonviolence and cease-fire. In 1981, the General Assembly of the United Nations designated International Day of Peace on the third Tuesday of September. The opening day for the annual meetings of the General Assembly coincided with that day. The aim was to reinforce the ideas of peace worldwide, and still remains.
Theme of International Day of Peace 2022
2022 Theme: End racism. Build peace.

We have observed racial discrimination at borders as conflicts continue to flare around the world and force people to flee. We have observed that some racial groups have been struck considerably harder than others as COVID-19 continues to strike our neighborhoods. As economies struggle, racial minorities have been the target of hate speech and acts of violence.

The epidemic is known to attack the poorest and most marginalised people. More than 687 million COVID-19 vaccination doses were given globally by April 2021, however over 100 countries had not received a single dose. People who are caught up in a conflict are particularly exposed to a lack of healthcare.
“Recovering better for an equitable and sustainable world” is the theme for the International Day of Peace in 2021. The UN would like to join individual’s in their efforts to make the world more egalitarian and peaceful by getting better for everyone. Celebrate peace by standing up online and offline against hate and propagating mercy, love and hope in the face of the pandemic.