Every year 25th of June is celebrated as the Day of the Seafarer for acknowledging the important contribution that seafarers make to foreign trade and the global economy, often at great personal cost for themselves and their families. The Seafarer’s Day was first observed in 2011, following its creation by a resolution was adopted in June 2010 by the Conference of the Parties to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW), which adopted major revisions to the STCW Convention and Code.
The Day of the Seafarer offers an opportunity to celebrate the unique and all too often overlooked contributions to the well-being of the public by 1,5 million seafarers worldwide, and we would like to make that happen through as many social media networks as possible.
The day recognizes the unique and essential role played by seafarers within the world community, and the United Nations recognizes the Seafarer Day as a day of observance. This year the Day of The Seafarer will be celebrating its 10th anniversary on 25th of June
Theme of Day of the Seafarer 2022
This year the 2022 campaign theme of Day of the Seafarer is- Your voyage – then and now share your journey
Each seafarer’s journey is unique, yet they all confront the same problems. The Day of the Seafarers campaign for 2022, with the theme ‘Your voyage – then and now, share your journey,’ will look at seafarer journeys, what they contain, how they have developed over time, and what remains at the core of seafarers’ reality.
This campaign allows seafarers to communicate what is presently resonating with them, whether it’s the unsolved crew change dilemma or the future of technology.
The new hashtag for the 2022 campaign will be #SeafarerJourney.
This year, mariners are invited to provide two photos: one from their first journey and one from their most recent voyage.

In response to the pandemic, the campaign also focuses on raising awareness about the work accomplished by the seafarer and also to thank them for their invaluable contribution. Everybody should recognize the ability of the seafarers’ that plays to deliver vital goods which is essential to responding to the pandemic. It also encourages everyone to give respect and dignity to the seafarer which they deserve so that they can provide important goods and keep world trade moving.
Importance of celebrating Day of the Seafarer
The goal of this day is to thank our seafarer for their valuable contributions to the world economy and to civil society as well. It also aims at recognizing the risks and personal costs involved in their work and also to draw global attention towards the questions such as piracy, which affect your work and life.
The resolution calls on governments, shipping companies, maritime companies and others through the Seafarer’s Day to promote and uphold trade and seafarers.
Swikriti Dandotia