
How Selling Solar Power Back to the Utility Grid Works in Practice

Shifting to solar power has several advantages, one of which is the freedom it provides you as a user. There are various ways to generate solar electricity and profit from it.

Selling solar power has never been so easy for homeowners. It’s now become a popular pastime in the United States. If you choose to go solar, you can end up selling the extra energy you produce back to the grid at the current market rate. 

Although small businesses can profit from solar, we will focus on residential users of solar panels in this article. Now let’s delve into how you can profit from your solar installation.

Net Metering Your Solar Energy

For residential solar users who want to sell, net metering is the way forward. But what is net metering, and how does it work?

Consider the following scenario. It’s a beautiful, bright day, and since no one is at home, you need little or no air conditioning. There are no running dryers or washers, no TVs on, and no computers buzzing away. You’ve also turned all the lights off.

Your home is snoozing in terms of energy use. Your solar panels, on the other hand, are working to their full potential. They’re at their most productive because of the bright light, producing a lot of green solar energy.

A digital meter installed on your home records the flow of power in both directions as it enters and exits the building. The net meter records any surplus you make and send it back to the grid. So, net metering allows you to make back the money you spent on the solar panels in the first place.

What To Consider Before Net Metering

It appears to be a no-brainer from the consumer’s perspective. You utilize the energy you require and have a market-ready to purchase any excess energy. This lowers your overall energy costs.

However, there are a few things to think about before you start using solar net metering.

State Net Metering Laws

The first is dependent on where you reside, as net metering is not available in every state. The policies differ among those who do, with some being more consumer-friendly than others.

There are 44 states with obligatory net metering regulations; this includes the District of Columbia too. Net metering rules are not in place in Mississippi, Alabama, South Dakota, or Tennessee. Although net metering is not obligatory in Idaho and Texas, several towns and energy suppliers in those areas do provide it.

Last, of all, you should also think about the fine print on your net metering contract.

Each residential solar company works differently, so explore your options before jumping straight in. Some of the best solar installers may be able to give you advice on this matter. For example, Blue Raven Solar has plenty of info they can offer to you about net metering.

Selling Solar Power Makes Sense

If you aren’t using all of your power throughout the week, selling solar power back to the grid makes sense. Your solar panels will end up paying for themselves. And, you can feel happy that you are contributing green and clean energy to the world.

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