
Important Safety Considerations for UK Surfers

Surfing is becoming an increasingly popular sport in the UK, with people flocking to the country’s stunning coastlines to catch waves. However, the ocean can be an unpredictable and dangerous environment if proper precautions are not taken. This article outlines some key safety tips that all UK surfers should keep in mind.

Choose Appropriate Surfing Locations

The UK boasts some excellent surfing destinations. Top spots include Fistral Beach in Newquay, Cornwall which hosts international competitions and offers consistent, powerful waves year-round. Northern Scotland’s Thurso East is renowned for its huge, barrelling waves from October to March. In Wales, Freshwater West in Pembrokeshire provides miles of sandy beach and a great place for beginners to intermediate surfers. For more advanced surfing, head to Porthleven in Cornwall which produces impressive waves with the right swell direction. And in Devon, Croyde Bay has mellow, gentle waves perfect for longboarders and those looking for a fun long ride.

Top Tips

  • Stick to lifeguarded beaches as much as possible. Lifeguards are there to monitor conditions, administer first aid if needed, and can assist if you get into trouble in the water.
  • Be aware of your limits and surf within them. As a beginner, stick to smaller, gentler waves in sheltered bays and coves. More experienced surfers can handle bigger waves at open beach breaks or reef breaks.
  • Check weather and tide reports before heading out. Large waves, strong rips, and offshore winds can create hazardous surf. Avoid going out in poor conditions.
  • Don’t surf alone. Go out with a buddy who can get help if one of you gets injured or in trouble in the water.

Wear a Wetsuit

A good quality wetsuit is essential for UK surfing. Even in summer, ocean temperatures remain cold. A wetsuit will allow you to stay warm and surf for longer periods. Choose a wetsuit thickness appropriate for the water temperature. A 4/3mm wetsuit is a good all-round choice for the UK. Always ensure your wetsuit fits properly to maximise warmth and range of motion. Take the time to find the right size and style.

Apply Generous Sunscreen

The ocean reflects a lot of UV radiation, increasing your risk of sunburn and skin damage. Use a water resistant SPF 50 or higher sunscreen. Apply a sunscreen thoroughly before putting on your wetsuit. Pay particular attention to exposed areas like the face, neck and hands. Reapply frequently. Wearing a wetsuit protects most of your body but don’t forget your feet and head if you are not wearing booties or a hood. Seek shade and cover up with UPF clothing when out of the water to reduce UV exposure. Wear a rash vest, hat and sunglasses.

Check out clothes for UV protection, such as UV ray blocking clothing at LifeJacket that offers plenty of protection.

Safety Gear

  • Always wear a high-quality leash attached to your ankle or bicep to prevent your board from hitting other surfers.
  • Consider wearing a helmet, especially when surfing reefs or rocky areas where you risk hitting your head on the seafloor or colliding with your board.
  • Carry a personal locator beacon if you surf remote spots in case of emergency. This allows coastguards to pinpoint your location if injured or in trouble.

Staying safe allows UK surfers to fully enjoy the exhilarating sport. Following these tips will help minimise risks so you can have fun while surfing responsibly along Britain’s beautiful coastline.