Taking up freelance transcription jobs can be quite risky because freelance marketing does not have any guarantee on the jobs and also the clients that you may come across might also turn out to be unreal. Since the Freelance Industry does not have any controlling authority or governed by any of the organization; it becomes quite difficult to escape from the clutches of scammers.
There are a lot of freelance websites that promise freelancers to offer legitimate transcription jobs, but they might not keep up their work for the long run. As a freelance transcription is there are certain things that would help you in order to find legitimate jobs in the areas of transcription. You can know more here about how to find legitimate jobs in this particular sector of freelancing.
1. Try and find a website that has contact details
Wheneveryou are registering your profile on any of the freelance websites, it is important to check the contact us section and find out for the details. If the website is legitimate, they would have listed down their contact details along with the email ID and telephone numbers. In case of any issues, you might write to them and seek a response. If the response gets delayed, you can always drop applying for projects from those websites, which is such web sites are not legitimate and dominated by scammers
2. Remember to check for the job description
There are several Freelance websites where scammers might register their profiles and come in disguise as clients to post job requirements. When you take a look at the job description, you might quickly be able to understand whether the post is genuine or not because the details would not be sufficient if it is posted by a scammer. This is yet another hint that would help you to quickly refrain from bidding on projects through a website.
3. If the website is asking for your details
Even before you register your profile, there are a lot of websites that might prompt you to enter your personal information. You must always cross-verify if the website is genuine because no legitimate websites related to freelance transcription would request for any personal information even before the profile gets created.
Therefore, this is yet another important tip that needs to be followed by all freelance transcriptionists when they are planning to find out legitimate jobs in the world of transcription
4. Undefined tasks

If the projects are created by scammers on any of the websites the job description might come across as a real one, however, they might have forgotten to enter some of the crucial information that is required by a freelancer before bidding for the project. When a client creates any transcription job posting, they will certainly mention the kind of qualification they would be looking for along with the experience that a freelancer must possess.
Also, the client would also mention all the required details, along with the pricing details completely without any mistakes if all these details are missing from the tasks that you bid for never go ahead and apply for jobs in these websites.
- If the job is driven by money

There are a lot of transcription websites that promise you to earn in Dollars within hours. This is certainly not going to happen because the field of freelance transcription is very tough to sustain as there is huge competition.
If people can start earning in dollars, then, every other person would become a transcriptionist. When you come across a job assignment which posts huge rates per assignments, you must refrain from registering your profile with them because that is not a legitimate website.
6. Trying to induce curiosity
When you take a look at some of the job assignment on a particular website, you might be driven by curiosity. There could be some messages which might start making your bid for the projects. For instance, the first person who bids will get a high rate, or words like only a few spots are remaining; these websites are certainly not going to give you legitimate jobs that for you need to stay away from such kinds of portals.
7. Never go by the testimonials

If you are looking forward to finding legitimate jobs in the transcription industry, do not go by the reviews that are posted only on the website where the job assignments are posted. There are a lot of people who can be hired to write fake testimonials, and this can be one of the ways that a scammer is trying to get all your details and make a profit out of you.
These are some of the most important tips that have to be applied by every freelance transcriptionist in order to find legitimate jobs in the transcription industry without getting into the hands of scammers.