Of all the dramatic media, radio is the most visual.”

Radio is an effective platform for the celebration of humanity in all its diversity and a forum for democratic debate. Radio is the most commonly used tool at the global level. Its unique ability to reach out to the widest audience ensures that radio can influence society’s perception of diversity, serve as a forum for all voices to speak, be reflected and heard.

Theme of World Radio Day 2025

This year the theme of World Radio Day 2025 is Radio and Climate Change

World Radio Day 2025 is all about highlighting the great ways radio broadcasting can shine a light on climate change issues.

In terms of climate change, 2025 is a critical year. According to the Paris Agreement, greenhouse gas emissions must peak by that year at the latest, before they start to decline, if mankind is to keep global warming to 1.5°C.

In the current era of artificial intelligence and pervasive social networks, quality radio remains a universally popular medium, often regarded as the most dependable form of communication. In addition to promoting environmental concepts, the dissemination of verified information through radio, free from the influence of economic, ideological, and political powers, can significantly shape listeners’ understanding of climate change and the value placed on the issue. Radio, whether on-air, through live stream, or on-demand, possesses the capacity to shape the public agenda and has the potential to influence public affairs.


“Radio and Climate Change” will be the theme of World Radio Day 2025, which will take place on February 13, in an effort to bolster radio stations’ reporting on this matter.

When is Radio Day declared as International Day?

The proposal was submitted by the Spanish Radio Academy to the UNESCO Board Member on the declaration of World Radio Day on 20th September 2010. In November 2011, the request was adopted by all UNESCO member states.

Why is Radio Day celebrated on 13th February?

On 13 February 1946, United Nations Radio was launched to broadcast daily news and stories about the work of the United Nations and its associated countries. To mark the anniversary of the founding of the United Nations Radio, the 13th of February was chosen as the date for the observation of World Radio Day.

World Radio Day Quotes

“With radio, the listener absorbs everything.

“Radio is the most intimate and socially personal medium in the world.”

“In radio you have two tools: sound and silence.

“Radio is the theater of the mind; television is the theater of the mindless.”

“Its not true that I had nothing on; I had the radio on.

“On TV people can see it; on the radio you’ve got to create it.

“Humans would become very sick without natural radio frequency (RF) exposures.”

“Make the radio that you want to listen to.”

“Keep calm and listen to the radio.”

Swikriti Dandotia