Every year, on September 18th, individuals all over the world celebrate World Bamboo Day in an effort to spread information about the importance of bamboo conservation and economic growth. It was observed by the World Bamboo Organization (WBO).
The purpose of World Bamboo Day is to promote bamboo awareness around the world. Bamboo has long been a staple in places where it grows naturally, yet exploitation has made it difficult to use on a sustainable basis. The World Bamboo Organization seeks to raise awareness of bamboo’s potential while protecting the environment and natural resources, ensuring sustainable use, encouraging new bamboo production for global industries, and supporting local traditional applications for local community economic growth.
World Bamboo Day 2022 Theme
This year the theme of World Bamboo Day 2022 is- Bamboo for Green Life and Sustainable Development
Unlike any other plant, bamboo may be processed into a wide variety of useful items, including food (in the form of shoots), poles for agriculture and constructions, panels and composite materials for homes and buildings, a wide variety of domestic products (furniture, kitchen utensils, etc.), transportation (including boats, bicycles, skateboards, and even ultra-light airplanes), pulp and paper, fiber for textiles, medical and biochemical products (including bio-plastics and dyes), and many more.
One of the most lucrative non-timber forest products, bamboo provides a source of income for millions of people living in impoverished rural areas around the world. Everything from food to fuel to furniture and flooring may be made from this rapidly expanding, renewable resource. Recently, developed bamboo materials have increased bamboo’s ability to aid in eco-friendly, cost-effective building.
On September 18, 2009, at the 8th World Bamboo Congress in Bangkok, the World Bamboo Organization was officially recognized. Nearly one hundred countries were represented at the event, and the delegates unanimously approved declaring September 18 as World Bamboo Day. Royal Thai Forestry Day is also celebrated on this day. World Bamboo Day was officially declared on March 12th, 2009 by the Deputy Governor of Bangkok in his capacity as a representative of the Royal Thai Government, Ms. Susanne Lucus, Executive Director of WBO, and Mr. Kamesh Salam, President of WBO.
Swikriti Dandotia