On the Every 19th of August, World Humanitarian Day is celebrated to commemorates the lives and wounds of humanitarian workers who were killed and wounded during their work, and also to remember all those who are still providing life-saving assistance and protection for those in greatest need amid the odds. World Humanitarian Day is celebrated to spread awareness about the people who are affected by the World crises. In 2008, the WHD was established and in 2009, the United Nations General Assembly officially celebrated its first World Humanitarian Day.
Why 19th of August is chosen for the celebration of World Humanitarian Day?
19 August is the anniversary of the bombing by the Canal Hotel in Bagdad, an incident that has been lamented by the UN Human Rights High Commissioner Sergio Vieira de Mello and 20 others.
Role of Humanitarian Worlds in providing life-saving support during the Pandemic.
This year World Humanitarian Day comes during the time when world is continued to fight in Pandemic. Helpers in 54 countries as well as 9 other nations that are caught up in the humanitarian needs of the COVID-19 pandemic overcoming unparalleled access barriers to support people in humanitarian crises.
Campaign of World Humanitarian Day 2022
A global Campaign that celebrates World Humanitarian Day 2022 is #ItTakesAVillageĀ

Global Climate Change Conference (COP26) will be held in November. World Humanitarian Day 2021 will focus on the immediate consequences of climate change for those who are most vulnerable to it, and ensure that their voices are heard and that their needs are at the forefront of the agenda.
This year 19th August, is the 12th anniversary of the World Humanitarian Day. As a response, everyone is invited to join #TheHumanRace, a global call to action for climate action in solidarity with those who need it most, and to make the needs of climate-vulnerable people a priority at the UN climate summit (COP26).
Importance of World Humanitarian Day
World Humanitarian Day is dedicated to the humanitarian workers and to increase public awareness around the world. It is a day to honours all the humanitarian around the world who has worked I promoting the humanitarian cause and for those who has lost their lives during their duties.
Some Facts about world Humanitarian Day
- About 90% of the attacks were on the National Staff
- Primarily the major attacks take place in Syria, followed by the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan, Afghanistan, CAR, Yemen, and Mali.
- According to WHO reports there are 1,009 attacks, including 199 deaths and 628 injuries, on healthcare workers and facilities.
- A total of 277 incidents took place in 2019 targeted in which 483 aid workers: 125 killed, 234 injured and 124 killed.
Swikriti Dandotia