Atithi Devo Bhava!!
Every state has its logo with meaning to promote tourism and every logo represents the particular state tourism identity for what it is famous for.
Let’s read and look about taglines of state tourism logos:
Rajasthan Tourism: Padharo Mhare Desh ( Welcome to my land )

Rajasthan Tourism has replaced the slogan ‘Jaane Kya Dikh Jaye’ with the state’s old tourism slogan ‘Padharo Mhare Desh’. It has also added ‘Rajasthan – The incredible state of India’ in the department logo. Rajasthan is famous for deserts, camels and Rajasthani culture thus the new slogan and logo represent the state’s tradition and culture.
Madhya Pradesh Tourism: The Heart of Incredible India

Madhya Pradesh tourism logo represents “Tiger” as it covers five famous tiger reserve- Kanha, Pench, Bandhavgarh, Panna & Satpura Tiger reserve and that’s why the state is also known as” Land of Tigers”.
Read Blog:Bandhavgarh Tigers
M.P mein Dil hua Bachhe sa!!
Gujarat Tourism: Vibrant Gujrat

Gujarat tourism logo shows the pride of Gujarat “LION”- dekho dekho kaun aya “Gujarat ka sher aya”!! Gir Forest is the main tourist attraction of Gujarat as it is the only place in India where Asian Lions are found.
Assam Tourism: Awesome Assam

Assam Tourism logo depicts the major attractions of tourist. The logo is a combination of four major attractions like Rhinoceros which represents wildlife, Waves shows the flow of Brahmaputra River with a reflection of the sun, and green leaf which symbolizes Assam tea.
Jammu and Kashmir Tourism: Heaven on Earth

Jammu & Kashmir is known for the high peak mountains, beautiful dal lake and Shikara ride which is the most attractive place for tourist. Jammu and Kashmir Tourism Logo show the beauty of Kashmir in it, that is Dal Lake with Shikara and high mountains.
Read Blog : Pahalgam-Treasure of Kashmir
Uttrakhand Tourism: Simply Heaven

Uttrakhand – simply Heaven! Uttrakhand tourism logo consists of one letter “U (उ)” which has three different colors with meaning- Blue: Represents Mountains and water, Green: represents wildlife and Saffron: represents religious importance.
Delhi Tourism:

In Delhi tourism logo you will “D” merging with “T” which represents Delhi Tourism and behind D, there are different color strokes which reflect the culture, energy, and vibrancy of our Delhi.
Kerala Tourism: God’s own Country

Kerala itself is a wonderful small terrain with big coconut trees, beaches, and houseboats. Kerala tourism logo shows the most attractive and tourist places like beaches and coconut tree.
Himachal Tourism: Unforgettable Himachal

Himachal means “Abode of Snow” and its Tourism logo shows the beauty of Snow, mountains, religious temples, and the Fir trees (Christmas tree).
Read Blog: Less Famous Hill Stations in Himachal Pradesh
Ye Himachal hai… Ye Bemisaal hai!!
Maharashtra Tourism: Unlimited

The colorful ‘Visit Maharashtra’ logo is in the form of the letter ‘M’ in the Devanagari script.
The logo signifies picturesque beaches, hill stations, wildlife sanctuaries, natural caves and waterfalls to impressive forts, vibrant festivals, prehistoric pilgrimage memorials, museums, and historic monuments.
Arunachal Pradesh: The Land of Dawnlit Mountains

Arunachal signifies “ land of rising sun” is a northeast state of India which full of cultural heritage, trekking routes, and Indo-China border. Arunachal Pradesh tourism logo shows sun and the mountains in it
Read Blog:Places to visit in Arunachal Pradesh
Punjab Tourism: India begins here

Punjab Tourism logo represents turban which usually worn by people of Punjab and it represents Sikh tradition as well.
Also Read: Don’t Forget to visit these places in Punjab
Uttar Pradesh Tourism: UP Nahi Dekha to India Nahi Dekha
The Uttar Pradesh tourism logo is very different while compared to other, as in this logo you will find a pair of fishes which shows the Muslim rulers, the bow and arrow represents the Hindu God Shri Ram and the waves represents the flow of Ganga and Yamuna

Chhattisgarh Tourism Logo- Full of Surprises

In Chattisgarh tourism logo symbol “I” represent green and red color. In this logo green color shows rich bio-diversity of the state as Chattisgarh has 41.33% of its area under forest.
Red color circle in the logo represent the tribal region of Chattisgarh. One-third population belongs to the tribe in the state thus its tourism logo promote Tribal Tourism.
Manipur Tourism- The Jeweled Land Awaits You

In Manipur tourism logo you will find the picture of Sangai Deer, which is an endangered subspecies of brow-antlered deer found only in Manipur, India. Also, Manipur Tourist department annually organizes Sangai festival in November to promote Manipur as a world-class tourism destination.
Mizoram Tourism

Logo of Mizoram Tourism illustrates the “Cheraw Dance -Its a traditional Cultural dance performed in Mizoram”.This dance is performed with the use of Bamboo staves.
Nagaland Tourism Logo

Its logo provides the glimpse of Orchids, hills, handicrafts, hand-looms and the great Naga Warriors. In the first week of December, Hornbill festival is celebrated to showcase the Naga Culture.
Tripura Tourism Logo

Logo of Tripura Tourism contains images of Mata Tripura Sundari temple, Historical place Unkoti, state fruit- Pineapple, tribal women and Phayre’s leaf monkey ( also known as Phayre’s langur )
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Yes it is one of best wildlife sancturies.
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wow…great india
yes no doubt..our country is great